Dear Happy Time Squares:We were very pleased to have 60 trainees for square dancing, including those who have rejoined square dancing and are refreshing their skills. Thanks for all of your help last Tuesday! Thanks to all who loaned chairs. We put them to good use!! There may be future use of the chairs in the same location.
For those HTSers who weren't at the former Dance Gallery: we were very pleasantly surprised at the great number of new students.
Since the former Dance Gallery was at capacity, we have spent the past week working on alternate training sites, which would allow more room than the former Dance Gallery. Beginning Tuesday, Feburary 14 -- two weeks off -- we will be in Building 21 of the 4-H Firgrounds, located at 2120 Harper.
At the Fairgrounds, we need and want many Angels to help in the classes, since we have such a large number of trainees.
Next Tuesday, Feb 7, we could not arrange another site, and so will return to the same location, the former Dance Gallery, even though space is limited.
We do ask Angels who plan to attend to park in the lot just east of the Dance Gallery location, to allow the students to have more parking space. That firm is marked "R-W" for the Reeves-Wideman firm. A sidewalk runs between the two locations. Please, however, do not block the semi-truck-trailer loading docks at R-W.
Thank you! -- Lloyd & Connie