Dear Happy Time Squares:Dear HTSers: Tonight was an excellent rain-less night for square, round and line dancing. As a result, 114 dancers (both guests and HTS members) registered for our dance.
Larry Crady called a wonderful square dance, Judy Haas cued excellent lines, and Pam Young and our own Vernon Nelson cued rounds. Great dance leadership from all, despite the fact that Larry cut all of us away from our girls in the last round!
Four clubs came for banners: the Topeka Wheat Hearts and Atchison Riverbend Promenaders both retrieved their banners, the Topeka Top-Kan Twirlers stole our HTS banner, and the Topeka Shawnee Swingers both retrieved their own and stole one of our HTS banners.
Bob Rainbolt gave an update on our SD class, which has 48 students. The next class will be Tuesday, April 11th & will be at Bldg 21, and so please do come out and enjoy helping as an angel with the class. The class on April 18th will be at the former Dance Gallery on 31st Street. Afterwards, we will return to Bldg 21.
Please keep in mind the next Line Dance Class with Judy Haas & Vernon Nelson at the 31st Street former Dance Gallery address for 7 - 9 PM Thursday April 27th. No other line classes are planned at this time.
"The Happy Time Squares Shined this Evening" -- Lloyd & Connie