Recent Dances Report
Fellow members of Happy Time Squares,
We have two recent dances to report on:
Fabulous Fourth Anniversary 
On Saturday, January 9, 101 dancers met to kick off the start of our fifth year of dancing.
Seventy-eight members and 23 guests braved frigid cold temperatures and snow for a grand evening of dancing and fellowship. Visiting clubs included Diamond Rounds, BNR Squares, Frontier Twirlers, Shawnee Swingers, Shoal Creek Critters, Silver Dollars, Swingin' Singles, and TNT. Frontier Twirlers marched to retrive their banner.
Decorating Committee was assisted by several members to set stage and hall for the anniversary theme.
Presidents and past officers greeted members and guests and were on hand to say thanks and goodbye at dance end.
Mary Jenninigs, Elsie Middleton, and Lois Zaremba helped Larry and Alice DeMoss with the refreshment table and beverages.
Tonya Ketchum, as in past celebrations, provided special cakes.
Vic Perry started off the Mainstream part of our dance with a Grand March that resulted in 11 squares. He called his usual great dance. Guest callers Wade Morrow and Sam Hunsaker shared a fun tip. Vernon Nelson and Judy Broers cued a Round or Line between tips, each to a full floor.
At dance end, Vic called dancers into our traditional Happy Trails circle for a round of goodbyes.
When guest had departed, Jerry Henley placed members for our traditional anniversary photo. Check our website Photo Album for this and other anniversary dance photos.
Cleanup committee of Dave & Barbara Neff, Gary & Elois Allan, Chair CJ & Pat Baker made sure all was in an as-found condition.
We thank everyone who braved the weather to come and help celebrate four years of fun dancing.
Pep In Your Step Dance
On Sunday, January 10, nineteen HTS members attended the "Put Some Pep In Your Step" dance at the Kaw Valley Dance Center for an afternoon of fun dancing with Dana Schirmer and Wade Morrow. Four squares were on the floor for every tip with several spectators enjoying the Mainstream activity. Those attending were: Betty & Frank Alexander, Mike & Betty Anderson, Carole Bogner, Gene & Judy Broers, Carl & Mary K Bahnmaier, Ace & Lareeda Hickey, Charlie Lange, Wade & Laura & Lydia Morrow, Vernon & Toni Nelson, and Bob & Rosalee Rainbolt. Vernon cued Rounds and Judy did Lines between tips. Dana and Wade plan another dance in latter February, so you might consider attending for some energetic dancing.