April 17, 2012
Greetings to Happy Time Square Members:
Report for Falling Raindrops Dance Party - April 14, 2012
Rainbows, flowers and butterflies filled the hall for our Happy Time Squares' "Falling Raindrops" dance. Twenty four guest and fifty three HTS members braved the forecasted severe weather and joined us with some great dancing, good food and wonderful fellowship. What a good turnout despite the predicted storms that did not develop in our part of town.
Jim & Edie Boehle and Dave & Nancy Wickersheim greeted dancers with a smile and made sure everyone felt welcome. Donna Perry and Sharon & Clarence Kowalewski helped with the refreshment table. CJ Baker, Betty & Danny Lucas did their usual great job of providing coffee, tea and water to the dancers.
Edie Boehle and Rosalee Rainbolt provided a cheerful and colorful "Falling Raindrop" theme of decorations. Thanks to Jim Boehle for the great theme drawing of the signboard.
Thanks to Loretta & Mark Posch, Robert Mugridge, Dave & Nancy Wickersheim, and Dave Ketchum for setting up and cleaning up after our dance.
To have a successful dance it takes all our club members to step up and volunteer for our committees each month. Many thanks and appreciation for those members who do that. Many thanks goes out to all our members who bring food each month also. Please give Pat Baker a call or an email if you would like to volunteer for one of our monthly dances.
Remember our BBQ is not far away and we need volunteers to sell our BBQ tickets, please let us know how many you would like and we will get these tickets to you.
Linda Grindol asked that we provide some volunteers for our state convention in June. We need one hour shifts to be filled for greeters and ticket sellers, please let us know if you would like to volunteer an hour of your time during that weekend.
Our next dance will be May 12 "Spring Into Summer". We hope you all have a great start into summer.
Dancing Opportunties this weekend:
Frontier Twirlers, Osawatomie - Friday, April 20 - "Gospel Dance"
Ottawa Promenaders, Ottawa - Saturday, April 21 - "50's & 60's Stroll Dance"
Toepka Wheatheart Squares, Croco Hall- Friday, April 20 - "Empty Pockets Dance"
Check elsewhere on club website for more information.