August 3, 2012
Hello HTS Members:
Report for Douglas County Fair Demo - August 2, 2012
WOW! ! What a GREAT demo we had last night. Vic and Wade called to about 32 HTS members (4 squares) who danced to their renditions of Elvis and some of our favorite 50's songs. Vernon also cued some round dances and we had a few line dance tips. A Big THANK YOU to all our members who took time to come out and dance in the 95° heat. Also, many thanks to Vic and Wade who did a great job in keeping us on our feet for a whole hour of fun dancing. Can't wait till next years demo! !
Be sure to visit the Lawrence, Douglas County Fair and our HTS booth in Building 21 thru Saturday night. Come out and see what a great job Tonya did in representing HTS and promoting our September square dance lessons and upcoming BBQ.
Again, we thank all our members who came out and supported our demo.