What a fun evening of dancing Saturday night at the HTS Bunny Hop Dance! Vic had us all kicking up our heels and 'hopping' 'round the floor with a great selection of songs. Vernon and Judy kept us moving and tapping our toes to wonderful round dances and lines between the tips with guest rounds cued by Joyce Juhler and Stash Tosio.
Rosalee Rainbolt's Team did a fantastic job with the set-up and clean-up, the decorations, and keeping track of our refreshment table. I'm not sure if anyone else noticed, but those were real chocolate bunnies in the baskets on the drink table. I know because I checked!
Barbara Neff and Betty Anderson provided some fun holiday-related door prizes which added greatly to the fun. Thank you ladies!
The Lone Wranlgers didn't let us hold on to their banner very long, bringing folks with them to retreive it that evning. The Riverbend Promenaders marched as well to steal a banner.
Sunday afternoon a number of Happy Time Squares Members, including many of our newest members, twirled around Croco Hall at the Tenderfood Dance. Thank you to Sadie May and Christina Wood for proudly carrying the Happy Time Squares Banner in the Parade of Banners. These young ladies did a wonderful job representing Happy Time Squares.
Our next dance will be the Roaring Twenties dance on April 13.
We look forward to seeing you in square soon!
913-290-0990 and 785-331-8631